Higher Education Programs
of the educational community and the public they serve

Higher Education Programs
of the educational community and the public they serve
HEAD Accreditation for Academic Programs
HEAD Accreditation for Academic Programs (HEAD AAP) is the accreditation at programatic level focus on the quality of the academic programs by specifying its various elements and delivery. The structure of HEAD Accreditation for Academic Programs requirements reflects a typical sequence of experiences of learners and sponsors in a prototypical learning service in HEIs, including advertising, information provided prior to acquisition of the service, needs analysis, design, assessment and evaluation.
The applicant institution is one of the following:
- a nationally recognised and accredited institution of postsecondary education with degree awarding powers;
- a state approved or licensed institution of postsecondary education with degree awarding powers;
- a legally established and operating institution of postsecondary education with degree awarding powers and with institutional accreditation by an accrediting agency recognised or listed by any government authority or board in charge of recognising accrediting agencies, or listed and recognised by CHEA, ENQA or INQAAHE;
- a legally established and operating institution of postsecondary education with degree awarding powers offering programmes with programmatic accreditation by an accrediting agency recognised or listed by any government authority or board in charge of recognising accrediting agencies, or listed and recognised by CHEA, ENQA or INQAAHE;
- a nationally recognised IAU-WHED (UNESCO) listed university;
The Higher Education Provider is eligible for applying to the HEAD AAP when they are already had the approval a management system and accredited at Institutional level to ensure consistent delivery of service and conformity with HEAD AAP.
Benefits for Higher Education Providers
program specializations
& Management
Logistics &
Supply Chain
& Banking
PDCA Model
HEAD AAP principles
The HEAD Accreditation for Academic Program aims to improve the academic learning services market, protect consumers and enhance academic learning services for all interested parties. The Standard is beneficial, especially for higher education provider. This accreditation follows the principles:
- Transparency
- Openness
- Impartiality and consensus
- Relevance and effectiveness
- Coherence
- Development dimension
HEAD AAP Requirements
- Prior to enrolment, learners and interested parties need information about the learning services in order to make an informed decision
- Information provided by the HEIs shall be accessible, up-to-date, accurate and legible.
- When provided, a proposal enables the learners or sponsors to make an informed decision regarding the acquisition of the learning service.
- Prior to developing the proposal, the HEIs shall take appropriate steps to understand the learning request, its context and any logistical factors.
Before agreeing to the acquisition of the learning service, the interested parties shall be provided with the following information, as applicable:
- the title and objectives of the learning service;
- any prerequisites, technical or otherwise, such as a required level of competence;
- dates, location, duration and timetable;
- the proposed number of hours of instruction and how these are divided between different modes of learning (e.g. face-to-face learning, blended learning, IT-supported learning);
- the teaching methods and the means of assessment to be used;
- required software licenses and technical equipment;
- tuition fees, examination fees, the purchase of learning materials (e.g. books, software, worksheets), any other charges and terms and conditions of payment;
- cancellation, withdrawal and refund policies;
- the procedures used for obtaining feedback about the satisfaction of learners (and, where applicable, of their sponsors), as well as for handling their requests, suggestions and complaints;
- the profile of the facilitators assigned to the learning service, such as their teaching qualifications, teaching experience and background.
- Understanding the needs of learners is a key factor in the learning service as it ensures that the objectives, programme, content and assessment methods meet those needs.
- Prior to delivering learning services, the learning needs shall be analysed by qualified staff in order to orientate learning services effectively within the specified scope of the learning service.
- The intended outcomes of the learning services shall: be detailed, measureable and understandable
- The needs analysis shall determine
- In the context of work-related training, interested parties shall be consulted on how the competences acquired are expected to be applied in the workplace and what they consider possible indicators of success
- The results of the needs analysis shall be disclosed and agreed upon between the interested parties before the design and delivery of the learning service.
- Facilitators shall be fully informed about the results of the needs analysis.
- Information gathered about learners shall be only used for the purpose of providing the learning service. Information shall only be disclosed with the learner’s consent
- Following the needs analysis, the design of the learning service consists of developing a curriculum, learning materials and means of assessment and evaluation
- Curriculum design and development shall be carried out by facilitators who are experienced or trained in the design and development of curriculum for learning services
- In the design of the learning service, the following shall be taken into account:
- the results of the needs analysis
- the agreed-upon goals
- the proposed intensity and duration of the course, and the modes of learning (e.g. face-to-face learning, blended learning, IT-supported learning);
- the intended learning outcomes;
- the intended means of assessment
- the ratio of facilitators to learners;
- the methods, resources, and responsibilities to optimize the transfer of learning, if applicable;
- the type and content of a certificate of completion to be issued;
- any relevant contractual elements;
- the intended procedure of monitoring and evaluation
Learning materials shall be:
- in line with the designed curriculum and with the selected modes of learning;
- authentic and up-to-date reflecting current application of the subject being learned, outside the course;
- selected taking into account social and cultural needs, as well as the background of the learners
The curriculum, learning resources, the means of assessment and evaluation shall be disclosed to learners or the interested parties, and to facilitators
The roles and responsibilities of the HEIs, the learners and the interested parties relating to the delivery of the learning service and to the monitoring and assessment of learning shall be clearly specified.
The curriculum, learning and assessment materials shall be reviewed at least annually.
The design shall take into account the results of evaluations of any prior similar learning services delivered by the HEIs.
Sources and copy rights of learning resources used or developed by the HEIs shall be cited or acknowledged.
Commencing with, or prior to delivery of the learning service, learners (or, where applicable, their sponsors) shall be informed in writing of the details, terms and conditions of the learning service.
Additional information may include the following:
- the responsibilities of each party (e.g. the learners, HEIs, facilitators);
- the processes and schedule for assessing learning;
- the LSP’s designated contact person(s);
- procedures for complaints, suggestions and dispute resolution;
- support for learning, such as access to library, self-directed computer-assisted learning, help desk, counselling services, dictionaries, reference books and mentoring.
The service shall be delivered by facilitators who are qualified and trained in delivering the learning service in question and are trained in the use of the methods and materials.
Other staff engaged in the delivery of the learning service shall have the competence and qualifications required to accomplish their tasks.
If substitution is required, arrangements shall be made to ensure that qualified facilitators are available, and that such facilitators are guided in the preparation and delivery of the learning service
Learning materials shall be available to learners in sufficient quantity. Learners or their sponsors shall be guided in the purchase of those that are needed.
Facilitators and learners shall be informed of relevant rules about the photocopying and use of printed and digital materials.
In cases where the HEIs is responsible for providing or selecting the learning environment, the LSP shall ensure that it is conducive to learning. If the HEIs does not have control over the learning environment, the HEIs shall specify minimum requirements for it.
The learning environment shall be ergonomic and well-maintained. It shall also be:
- large enough to accommodate the number of learners enrolled in the groups as well as their facilitators;
- laid out in such a way as to facilitate interactive learning, taking into account the needs of the learners concerned;
- well-lit and clean;
- heated or cooled, if necessary, and well ventilated;
- protected or insulated from noise interference;
- equipped with learning aids and tools (e.g. as audio, video, projection devices, information technology equipment, flip charts, flash cards, models, puppets) relevant to the curriculum.
The necessary safety facilities and equipment shall be put in place and maintained, and potential safety hazards in the learning environment shall be minimized. Procedures for dealing with emergencies and security issues shall be made known to facilitators, to other staff and to learners.
Facilitators shall be either:
- experienced and have qualifications/training in teaching that are/is recognized within the country where the HEIs offers its services; or
- supervised by experienced facilitators with qualifications/training.
All facilitators shall have the necessary competences in the relevant subject or skill areas to undertake the teaching and related duties assigned to them.
Professional development plans shall be established. These shall take into account (but not be limited to) assigned tasks and responsibilities, the results of the evaluation of the learning service and the facilitators’ own views about their professional development needs
In designing or selecting assessments, the following aspects shall be considered:
- intended use of the assessment;
- knowledge, skills and abilities to be measured;
- standards to be measured against;
- methods of assessment;
- scoring and reporting;
- interested parties involved in or affected by the assessment.
Prior to, or at the beginning of the course, an assessment shall be made of the learner’s level of competence in the subject to be learned.
The progress of learners shall be assessed throughout and at the end of the course.
Learners or their sponsors shall, upon request, receive a certificate of completion, which shall include (but not be limited to) the following information:
- title and objectives of the learning service;
- number of hours of instruction;
- level of achievement.
Access to assessment results shall be given only to those with established authority or legitimate consent to view the information with regard for principles of fairness, transparency and confidentiality.
Regular monitoring and evaluation shall be carried out in order to determine whether the learning service is meeting its objectives.
In designing the processes for monitoring and evaluation, the following aspects shall be considered:
- scope;
- goals;
- means of monitoring and evaluation, including rationale, criteria, instruments and schedule;
- interested parties involved in or affected by monitoring and evaluation.
Service evaluation shall include (but not be limited to) the following:
- fulfilment of learning needs;
- learning and teaching methods;
- adequacy of learning material and other resources;
- logistics and organization of the learning service.
Procedures for monitoring and evaluation shall include:
- periodic observation of teaching and learning for quality assurance purposes;
- review of assessment results and the alignment of these results with the agreed-upon goals of the learning service, as developed in the needs analysis.
- analysis of the level of satisfaction of learners and sponsors with the learning service, as well as their feedback and suggestions for improving the quality of the learning service;
- analysis of enrolment, attendance and attrition.
Such monitoring and evaluation shall be conducted by qualified persons.
Data sets and reports resulting from monitoring and evaluation shall be clear and transparent. Reports shall clearly describe the findings and the rationale in light of the learning service objectives.
Any complaints and claims shall be dealt with within an agreed timeframe to provide redress or explanation.
The results of monitoring and evaluation shall be taken into account in implementing improvements and changes to the learning service, such as in the curriculum, course programmes, teaching methods and professional development.
Invoices for the learning service shall be clear and shall contain all the details needed to enable learners (or, where applicable, their sponsors) to understand precisely what is being invoiced.
The HEIs shall provide the learner or the sponsor with proof of payment if requested