that is a chance for becoming perfect!

Quality Assurance
in the Higher Education Area.

HEAD Accreditation for Quality Assurance in the Higher Education Area.
Accreditation is a quality assurance process that colleges, universities and educational institutions and their programs undergo to confirm that they meet a strict and recognized set of service and operational standards. Obtaining an accredited degree is absolutely essential if you hope to garner the career success you deserve. Accreditation is a process in which outside agencies evaluate a school’s programs to ensure that they meet applicable academic standards. Without accreditation, it is impossible for employers to know whether your diploma or degree is from a legitimate, reputable institution.
Institutional accreditation is usually based on an evaluation of whether the institution meets specific (input) standards such as staff qualifications, research activities, student intake and learning resources. It might also be based on an estimation of the potential for the institution to produce graduates that meet explicit or implicit academic standard or professional competence (The Power of Accreditation: Views of Academics; Professor Lee Harvey, Centre for Research and Evaluation, Sheffield Hallam University, ENQA Workshop Reports, 2004).
Once an organization of higher learning receives official approval, students can be assured that the organization is in full compliance with applicable commercial quality and integrity standards.
HEAD Accreditation for Quality Assurance in the Higher Education Area’s criteria applies and adapts the standards of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area; European Quality Assurance Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET), ISO 21001 (Management systems for educational organizations).
HEAD is an independent accreditation body with a license issued by the German authorized as an accreditation awarding body. HEAD conducts the accreditation process in accordance with the ISO/IEC 17065:2012 (Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes, and services). After achieving the rigorous standards of accreditation from HEAD, Higher education providers can demonstrate to students, parents and stakeholders about transparency, quality assurance, thus ensuring benefits for students and other stakeholders.
The HEAD Accreditation for Quality Assurance in the Higher Education Area is compatible with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area; the European Quality Assurance Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) and ISO 21001 (Management systems for educational organizations).
Requirements for HEAD Accreditation for Quality Assurance in the Higher Education Area.
For Higher
Education only
The HEAD ISO 21001 accreditation is exclusively for Higher Education Providers with development that is on the basis of ISO 21001.
Accreditation Level
HEAD ISO 21001 is an institutional accreditation level for the quality assurance of HEIs’ management systems
Focus on learners
& other beneficiaries
Accredited institutions must demonstrate this focus and ensure the benefits of learners and stakeholders
Education management
process approach
HEIs must have and ensure the process from admission to graduation and support processes.
and equity
HEIs must demonstrate transparency in operations, rights and capacity for training and certification.
Ethical conduct
in education
HEIs must ensure learning opportunities for all learners and especially for learners with special education needs.
HEAD Accreditation Process
Step 1
Review HEAD Institutional Accreditation Policy and determine eligibility requirements
Step 2
HEAD assigns an Accreditation Coordinator to assist with questions or concerns you may have throughout the accreditation process
Step 3
Submit HEAD Institutional Accreditation Application for your HEI and your Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) as required
Step 4
HEAD issues the accreditation proposal and master accreditation plan
Step 5
1st round interview
HEAD Board of Accreditation will interview with the BOD of HEI (online) to make sure all the submitted documents and records are applicable.
Step 6
Process Improvement
Based on the guidance and request of HEAD Accreditation Board, the HEI will revise the document and process if needed.
Step 7
On-site inspection
HEAD Board of Accreditation makes an official on-site inspection. All the required documents and records should be immediately available for the inspectors to review
Step 8
Your HEI will receive the accreditation decision and the Accreditation Report, which includes citations, variances, and suggestions.
Step 9
Award Accreditation Certified
If all the requirements, suggestions and improvements requested are made, HEAD will issues the Accreditation Certificate.
Step 10
The period of the new accreditation is 1 year. After 1 year, the HEI must initiate a re-accreditation process. The next accreditation period is 3 years.